free kindness activities for all
The Kindness Hub has been created for the benefit of the Chagford Community and beyond. It aims to provide a calm and peaceful space where everyone is welcome to take part in the kindness-based activities offered.
All the activities are free and if participants wish to 'pay it forward' then donations towards power costs and tea bags are very welcomed!
Upcoming Events
transformational breath workshop
Saturday 8th February
11.45am for a midday start.
Finish at around 2.30pm.
You are welcome to stay for a lunch of soup and bread afterwards.
Please let us know in advance if you are going to join us
gong sound bath
Saturday 22nd February, 2.45pm for a 3.00pm start
Finish at around 4.30pm
Please let us know in advance if you are going to join us as there a limited spaces
silent meditation
10.00am every week day (doors open at 9.45am)
07.00pm every Tuesday evening (doors open at 6.45pm)
Join us at the Hub for a half hour of silent meditation. Just sit and be - give your mind a break. No need for complicated seating positions or instructions. This is a time to simply watch your breath and notice the thoughts coming and going without judging or following them.
healing circle
Every Friday, 11.15am - 12.30pm
Join us to sit in circle where you will be invited to relax, receive and welcome what arises at this time.
You will not need to share you name, your story or why you are there.
PLEASE NOTE - there is no parking unless by prior arrangement
mindful sunday morning
Sunday 2nd February, 9.45am for a 10.00am start
Finish at 1.00pm
Please let us know in advance if you are going to join us
it's all about kindness
Being kind to ourselves is the first step towards being kind to others. It is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
The fundamental essence of the Hub is to generate even more kindness towards each other through kind speech and action.
We are lucky to live in an amazing community and the Hub offers a space to strengthen that connectedness.
Our planet is struggling and needs all the kindness we can offer. The Hub is a space where we can explore ways in which we can celebrate and expand that kindness.